Intro_ The melon deli! The Glory of a man isn't that of shared gravitation rather a bestowed heritage from the creator. Life itself isn't a bed of roses, a man in his right senses never gets too attached to natural phenomena rather that of subconscious awareness/Enlightenment. Been so worked up a lot but looking back i see no reason to turn, the very first essential preexistence gratitude emanates truly from within not through spirituality nor regrets but rather an understanding within ( the subconscious awakening ). Men are men and gods in human form will always be assume to be human rather truthfully, as been preassume, I'd refer men in grace form as Demi god. Its so funny how naturally men thinks that the thing's of the heart and soul can be bought! Lead for there's no way through the darkest dungeon for the minds and heart of men are wicked!
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