Intro_Resourceful vitality.
The illiteracy of assuming being wise has blindfolded alot and defocused multitude. The assumption of pessimism( thought of negative mindset ) has made lot's of people loose potential good tides.
What would anyone, think of himself as?
We all get two chance's in life, the first is a privilege while the second is a fated reality. A person like myself i make sure i never looked loose both opportunity.
To denm focused to count coins while i could baskin poll of treasure.
It's never anew not now and definitely won't stop now.
The moment anyone chooses to give out his/her power marks the beginning of delusional/ blunt reality. Meaning running a paced path of another instead of trading on a the destined path.
Dream's comes through desire the first step. Transmits through the subconscious as vision ( perception of a purpose ), thirdly strategic planning ( the creative mind craft ) meaning the phase by which the mind becomes intertwined with the desire to birth intentions.
Finally execution, the final alignment of a goal to be achieved, the phase of mitosis ( the throttle body panel of the mind Which religates and overseas neutron gland ( found at the left side of the back brain ). This cell organelle/ organisms makes sure that the brain remains active and passive to fundamental task and can only he interupted be substance abuse which can result to amisia( skipping or forgetfulness ).
The brain is the human body dashboard which the heart is the most vital religator which is the plug in an engine while the other organs in the body are combination of all the engines, so in the sense for the body to be fully naturally resourceful, the brian and the heart should be always detoxificated either through natural sources or organically but the most vita reliability takes a long period which is the natural resources ( inclusive of mantra's, psychological therapeutic treatments and intake of natural products).
It's never easy to choose a lifestyle but one worth to be inducted globally has be that of a shared proficiency and value driven vitalization!