Acknowledgement IN THE SHADOWS OF GONE, THEY SHALL DESPAIR... IN THE NOW OF YET, THEY SHALL DERAIL... FOR THE QUENCH OF THIRST OF PLEASE OF FLESH, ON THE ALTAR OF ARTS, REALITY, SACRIFICED... ON HER INNOCENCE EVIL GOOD WAS TOLD, ON HER IGNORANCE GOOD EVIL WAS SOLD... APART ONE ANOTHER THEY SHALL ILL, OH VIRGIN WHORE OF OLD, THE FATE OF YOUR SPRINGS... SUPREMACY, THE DEADLIEST OF THEM ALL... MAN’S EGO, THE MOTHER OF THEM ALL... IN AGONY THE SUNDERED SHALL STITCH... HE WHO IN THOUSAND TEARS, FATE WAS SEALED. Concept Interception THE LAST TESTAMENT is the NOW TESTAMENT, the testament of the present. For they who live in the shadows of the past, shall remain in HURT, will make no mark in the present, hence have no defined future. And they who live in the delusions of the future without visibly identifying pathways, shall remain in LOST, for they are oblivious of the present, hence have a delayed or no future. They who...