Current mantra
This might look like taking the time to develop skills that will open doors down the road. It might look like being intentional about going for a run every morning because you know this clears your mind from negative thoughts and helps you prepare for the day. Or it might look like tapping into a community that can help you with your mental health.
Self-compassion and self-care will help you realize your own strengths and become your best self. And although it probably won’t happen overnight, along the way you will realize you’re feeling confident, too.
Think Positively
Focusing on positive thoughts and emotions will teach you how to believe in yourself. One way you can learn how to think positively is by fostering an optimism-focused mindset.
This means that no matter what happens in your life–good or bad–you can look at it as an experience to learn from and use to make your life even better. Nothing in your daily life is a waste of time. Being intentional about taking control of your situation and learning from everything makes a big difference in your mindset.
Being optimistic also helps build your self-confidence. Being pessimistic, however, tears down your self-esteem and prevents you from growing due to fear, lack of faith, or unwillingness to take risks. In fact, negative thoughts are the single biggest enemy that any of us have.
The key to eliminating negative thoughts and emotions is to take responsibility for yourself, your reactions, and your situation by having good values.
Your values in life determine your beliefs, about yourself and the world around you. For example, if you have positive values, such as love, compassion, and generosity, you will believe that people in your world are deserving of these values and you will treat them accordingly.
And when you believe in yourself and choose to be a good person, you will find yourself to be more positive and successful in your own life.
Think about this: Who do you know right now that you consider a confident person?
Take note of the things they say and choose not to say, the choices they make, and the people they surround themselves with.
Do more confident people come to mind?
The reason this happens is by the law of cause and effect. If you act in the same way other healthy, happy people with positive attitudes act, you will soon feel the same way, see the same results, and enjoy the same experiences.
Believe You Have Confidence
Perhaps one of the hardest things to do in life is to accept how extraordinary you really are, believe in yourself, and then incorporate this awareness into your attitude and personality.
But there is no one like you. You have unique contributions to share with the world that only you can give.
After all, we all have our own talents, skills, and abilities that make us extraordinary.
So one key to having confidence is by saying it. Tell yourself you have confidence, and then believe it.
Your thoughts become words and your words become your actions. So if you continue to tell yourself that you believe in yourself, eventually you really will believe in yourself.
Have the courage to accept yourself as you really are — not as you might be, or as someone else thinks you should be — and know that taking everything into consideration, you really are worthy to have the kind of life you want. You are an extraordinary person.
Set Expectations
Your beliefs determine your expectations.
If you have positive values, you will believe yourself to be a good person. And, if you believe in yourself to be a good person, good things will happen to you.
When you expect good things to happen to you, you will be more positive, cheerful, and future-oriented. You will look for the good in other people and situations.
For example, if your value is that this is a good world to live in and your belief is that you are going to be very successful in life, you will expect everything that happens to you is helping you in some way.
As a result, you will have a positive mental attitude toward other people, and they will respond positively toward you, helping you be a more cheerful and optimistic person that others will want to work with and for, buy from and sell to, and generally help to be more successful.
Build Self-Esteem
When you take steps toward building your self-esteem, your confidence grows and the natural outcome is that you start to believe in yourself. Use these six elements of self-esteem building to help you learn how to believe in yourself:
Setting clear, realistic goals gives you purpose and makes you feel good about yourself. Each step you take toward achieving your goals builds your self-esteem. Create a to-do list that breaks down your goals into incremental steps.
People with high self-esteem have high standards. They make choices that are consistent with their standards. Develop values and ideals that you can be proud of and make sure your goals are aligned with them.